An Induction Week of Excellence for our new Year 6 students
The Year 7 Excellence Academy was offered the opportunity to apply to become student ambassadors to support our new year 6 students. They did so during transition week to help the new students have a snapshot of life at Moseley Park School.
Following the example set by nominated leaders: Prabdeep Multani, Marley Law-Baker, Kacie Smith and Leighton Clarke, students took an active role in ensuring that our new students felt settled. Our helpers were assigned to tutor groups and became ‘buddies’ for the year 6s. They followed the same timetable and helped them in lessons, showed them around the school and even helped the teachers too!
Being part of Excellence Academy means representing our school and being fantastic role models, these students made us incredibly proud. They were kind to the year 6s and helped them feel welcome. We know they will continue to do so in September!
A number of staff have given special mention to a specific Excellence Academy students:
P. Reynolds – “Leighton stood out massively for me, offered to help at every turn – myself and the pupils around him. He’s such an outstanding example for them”.
L. Nichol – “Cody Cook was so impressive, he ran the CAD CAM demo. He used all the tools and machinery with precision and used amazing dialogue when referring to how and why we use the tools”.
D. Jones – “I want to say a massive thankyou to the Excellence Academy Students who have assisted me this week. I have genuinely been overwhelmed at the quality of support we have had from them. I feel that all of the students have excelled themselves this year but Poppy-May Southall deserves a special mention in particular, with Maia McKenzie, as they have shown a level of maturity beyond their years. Poppy has demonstrated a naturalness in empathy, kindness and understanding that has been truly heart-warming to witness, alongside her peers. They are an absolute credit to the school and I for one am delighted to have had the pleasure of their company over these induction days
C. Ripley – “I had the opportunity to teach a Maths session to the new year 6s. All of the helpers were wonderful, it was clear they had been building great relationships with the students throughout the two days. Prabdeep became an excellent Teaching Assistant. He identified students who needed help and sat with them but also made sure students that had finished some of the work were challenged further. Well done to you all, you are an absolute credit to the school. It makes me very proud to see the helpful, caring and hard-working young adults you are all becoming!”