Big Ideas As Students Suggest Solutions For The Planet

Young scientists put their thinking caps on to suggest innovative solutions to environmental problems as part of a national competition.
Around 100 students took part in the Big Ideas day, which is the first stage of the prestigious Solutions for the Planet competition.
Working with visitors from local industry, teams of Year 7 Excellence Academy students and Year 9 Triple Science groups considered how they might invent a product, service or campaign to have a positive environmental impact on the world.
They used strategies based around STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) to consider how problems such as flooding, energy consumption, overflowing landfills and food waste can be tackled in a practical way.
Solutions for the Planet is a national competition. Students are hoping to mirror the success of previous Moseley Park students and progress to the regional and then national finals at the Palace of Westminster in the summer.
The contest is supported by a range of industrial partners and companies at Moseley Park on Tuesday included Tarmac Ltd and Buck & Hickman. Students will now develop their ideas in curriculum time.
For more information, visit or contact Mr O’Keeffe or Miss Tarplee at the school.