Sociology A-Level
Minimum Grade 5 GCSE in English and Maths
Sociology is the study of society. We look at the different research methods used in the discipline before moving
on to examine key studies in detail. The course will provide a good grounding in classic and current sociological theories
and is ideal for anyone looking for a career working with people.
- Component 1: Education with Theory and Methods
- Component 2: Topics in Sociology – Families and Households/ Beliefs in Society
- Component 3: Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods.
In Year 12, students will identify the functions that Education has in society, achievement of different social groups, relationships
with Education and Educational policy. Students will investigate theoretical debates from different perspectives of Sociology and how Sociologists obtain their evidence through research methodology. Students will also explore the roles of family and households within society, from the diverse and ever-changing family structures to gender roles and nature of childhood and
the impacts it has on family members and society as a whole.
In Year 13, students will identify and analyse the impact of belief structures in society and the significance of them in the world
we live in. They will immerse themselves in the explanations of crime and deviance. Investigate the distribution of criminal and deviant acts, focus on the globalisation of crime in the modern world and how authorities try to control, use surveillance, prevent and punish crime. Together with this, students will further develop their understanding of theoretical Sociology and methodology to identify key arguments and ways of obtaining information.
Students will be assessed by 3 examinations at the end of Year 13.
Suitable for a wide range of university courses, including Business, Criminology, History, Journalism, Law, Management, Media, Nursing, Social Work/ Social Policy and Teaching.
- Counsellor
- Education
- Housing Officer
- Journalism
- Law
- Media
- Management or any career dealing with people.
- Probation Officer
- Prison Guard
- Politics
- Social Researcher
- Police
- Social Work