Message from Phil Leivers – Head of Education Excellence
Education Providers’ Bulletin Special Edition

Dear Parents and Guardians,
The NHS is encouraging everyone eligible for their first, second or Covid-19 booster jab to walk-in and ‘grab a jab’ this weekend, to protect themselves and help make the Christmas period safer for us all.
There are 100 sites across the Black Country and West Birmingham, all are offering first, second and booster doses for adults aged 18 and over, as well as vaccines for 12-15-year-olds.
Appointments can be booked online via the National Booking System (, or by calling 119.
Walk-in jabs, without an appointment, are also available at a number of vaccination sites across the area including the Mander Centre, WV Active Bilston-Bert Williams, the Civic Centre (from tomorrow) and The Hub at Ashmore Park from Saturday. For a full list of local vaccination centres, please visit
For more details about the vaccine, please visit
Best wishes,
Phil Leivers
Head of Education Excellence