Year 6 Induction
Welcome to our year 6 Inductions page. Here you can find all the information regarding uniforms, start-dates and any up to date information!
Moseley Park staff and the Year 7 team are ready to welcome students throughout the induction day programme in July. Your child will have been allocated a Tutor group for September, and have designated dates for their induction days as follows:
7BN, 7BR, 7LS & 7ON Tutor groups – Tuesday 6th July – Friday 9th July.
7GV, 7RL, 7PS, 7TY Tutor groups – Tuesday 13th – Friday 16th July.
On arrival to Moseley Park, children will be informed of their Tutor group and spend time with their Form Tutor as part of the first Induction Day.
The induction programme will consist of students experiencing a range of subjects across the curriculum, including Science, Maths, PE, Technology, Music and Art. Students will remain in their Tutor group throughout the 4 days with us and be supported by Student Leaders and Learning Support staff.
Please can you ensure you complete the admission form online using the links on this page and give consent for your child to attend the induction days.
We are planning a Summer School for Year 6 children, week commencing Monday 26th July. Please express your interest in your child attending this as part of the induction consent form so we can be in contact further with those who wish to have more information. The Summer School programme will be based at Moseley Park but ran through an external company.
Please check back for updates on induction at Moseley Park. If you have any questions, please contact the school for support.
Admissions information
Consent Forms
Induction Day’s
Central Learning Partnership Trust (CLPT) Privacy Notice
Year 7 Team:
Year Lead: Mr Mincher
Pastoral Lead: Mrs Spencer-Wood
Form Tutors:
7BN – Mr Burns
7BR – Mr Berry
7LS – Miss Lewis
7ON – Mr O’Callaghan
7GV – Miss Glover
7RL – Mrs Russell
7PS – Mr Parkes
7TY – Mrs Taylor