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Year 7 Catch-Up Funding

Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium

In 2019/20 a total of £16,348was awarded to Moseley Park for supporting pupils with low prior attainment at Key Stage 2. In order to support these pupils, the money has been allocated to:

  • Additional staffing in Learning Support, English and Maths to allow for smaller teaching groups and co-ordinated waved interventions
  • Recruitment of internal specialist support services to address barriers to learning, including emotional and social well-being
  • Additional staffing in Learning Support to provide regular breakfast and after school clubs
  • One-to-one intervention support programme for English and Maths delivered by specialist teachers
  • Resources to support the Lexia reading programme
  • Peer and adult reading mentors
  • Additional learning resources for Literacy and Maths, including online learning platforms•Creation of a handwriting programme with a focused delivery for a period of time, carefully monitored and tracked to support progress across the curriculum
  • Provision of a homework and reading club after school, including increased access to ICT resources•Pupils that have received support through the Lexia programme have made significant gains in their reading ages, resulting in a wider and fulfilled access to the wider curriculum

View our 19/20 Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch up premium here!

Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium

In 2018/19 a total of £16,696 has been awarded to Moseley Park for supporting pupils with low prior attainment at Key Stage 2. In order to support these pupils, the money has been allocated to:

  • Additional staffing in Learning Support, English and Maths to allow for smaller teaching groups and co-ordinated waved interventions
  • Recruitment of internal specialist support services to address barriers to learning, including emotional and social well-being
  • Additional staffing in Learning Support to provide regular breakfast and after school clubs
  • One-to-one intervention support programme for English and Maths delivered by specialist teachers
  • Resources to support the Lexia reading programme
  • Peer and adult reading mentors
  • Additional learning resources for Literacy and Maths, including online learning platforms
  • Creation of a handwriting programme with a focused delivery for a period of time, carefully monitored and tracked to support progress across the curriculum
  • Provision of a homework and reading club after school, including increased access to ICT resources
  • Pupils that have received support through the Lexia programme have made significant gains in their reading ages, resulting in a wider and fulfilled access to the wider curriculum

In 2012/13 the Government made a commitment to provide additional funding for each Year 7 pupil who did not achieve at least level 4 in the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum tests in reading and /or maths.

In 2017/18 a total of £16,087 was awarded to Moseley Park for supporting pupils with low prior attainment at Key Stage 2. In order to support these pupils, the money was allocated to:

  • Additional staffing in Learning Support, English and Maths to allow for smaller teaching groups
  • Recruitment of internal specialist support services to address barriers to learning
  • Additional staffing in Learning Support to provide regular breakfast and after school clubs
  • One to one intervention support programme for English and Maths delivered by specialist teachers
  • Resources to support the Lexia reading programme
  • Peer and adult reading mentors
  • Additional learning resources for Literacy and Maths Mastery
  • Creation of a handwriting programme with a focused delivery for a period of time, carefully monitored and tracked for progress in lessons
  • Provision of a homework and reading club after school, including increased access to ICT resources